Welcome to the City of Las Cruces's Development Code Update project website! This site includes the latest updates about the process, resources and materials, and opportunities to provide your input. Please check back periodically for updated information. 

The City's Development Code regulates the use and development of land within the city limits. This update process will focus on amending the existing zoning regulations, zoning map, subdivision regulations, sign regulations, and design standards (such as parking, street design, and landscaping). This update will also focus on streamlining and simplifying development procedures to ensure clear and efficient processes.

The update will be driven by the policies and actions identified through the Elevate Las Cruces comprehensive plan process. The overarching purpose of this code update is to implement the vision that was established within the Elevate plan, in addition to making the code more user-friendly and ensuring compliance with State regulations. 

- click here to view the Elevate Las Cruces plan -

Additional input will be collected through community open houses and interviews with frequent code users, which will be held during Phase 1 and Phase 3. This approach allows for input early in the process before the amendments are drafted, then again later in the process once there are draft amendments available for review.

The working group includes City Staff and a consultant team working closely to prepare draft amendments to the code. The working group will present the draft amendments to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for periodic review and feedback. The draft amendments will ultimately be presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for final review and adoption consideration. 

For more information about the planning process and proposed revisions (as available), please visit the Planning 101 page. 

Process Overview

Phase Complete

Phase 1: Code Diagnostic

The Code Diagnostic & Analysis phase lays the foundation for the code update. This phase includes detailed reviews of the City's adopted plans and codes, interviews with frequent code users like City Staff and developers, and a virtual community open house.

Phase Complete

Phase 2: Draft Code & Zoning Map Development

The second phase is the drafting of the code and map amendments. The consultant team and City Staff will work closely to prepare draft amendments to the code. Draft amendments will be prepared during this phase and presented to the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council for feedback.

Phase in Progress
Current Phase

Phase 3: Code & Zoning Map Refinement and Adoption

The final phase will include detailed reviews and refinement of the draft code and map. A final round of interviews with frequent code users and a community open house will be conducted to encourage feedback on the draft amendments. Following a series of workshops and public meetings, the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council will consider adoption of the updated code and map. 

- click here to view the schedule

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